

June 11th What a day! I have grown to hate this day. For lots of reasons. I have grown to resent what it represents. What it does to my family every year. I have even grown to hate things around this time. This year though it is that much harder!

Jory has been Gone 7 years now. You would think that after that long of time that I would be over what happened. Learn to of deal with things. The truth is I have no idea how to deal with this pain this year! I usually throw myself into work and just get it over with. But I dont have a hob now. No not 1 job not 3 jobs or 3 jobs. I dont have a calling that demands alot of time. Most of the friends that I was hanging out with well they are married and have moved on. I am not only stuck in what seems to be a pathtic exsistance of unemployement, but I am truely sad this year,, How do I deal with it this year. For the 1st time in all the years he has been gone I have done nothing but cry for the last 3 hours and it is 6am...

So that is where I am atr right now. It could just be this day. But i feel really sad today! I am broken hearted and I have no idea how to deal with it this year....

1 comment:

RSCE said...

Im so sorry. I will always remember Jory, he was such a good person. I hope you can get through today and know that you will see him again. I hope you find the comfort and peace you need, and I am here if you need anything.