
Long over due update

Hey guys! Sorry it has been forever since I have blogged. I have had so much crap come up and things that have been planned have come and gone.

1st thing and by far the most important thing to of happen is my brother Jay came home from Kuwait, safe and sound. Still a big pain in the tsh though :) No he isn't. He and my nephews are living with us. Him and his wife are getting divorced. It is for the best, take my word for it. lol We had to get a couple rooms finished in the basement though. We have to drywall, paint, and lay carpet.In the bedrooms anyways. Then we are finishing a laundry room and a bathroom in the basement too. Eventually the basement will have 2 bedrooms, a family room, full bath, laundry..closet lol, a kitchen net, weightroom and a office. It will be nice. lol we will finish it when i finally move out... lol. With Jay getting a divorce we have had to go and get the basics for any adult.. clothes, car, phone, new bank account, yadda yadda yadda..
We are all having to readjust our lives to get it just right, but it feels good. it feels like my family is fully intact again... if that makes any sense at all.

As far as the weight thing goes..... I am pathetic really. I didnt lose one freakin pound.. But Jay is going to help me and teach me what is ok to eat and how much. I think having grown up with 5 brothers and sisters and always having a ton of friends over my parents didnt really look for healthy foods more so it was affordiable foods.. not that it was wrong, just that because of it I didnt learn how to eat right. lol thats ok though I am going to learn now!

I got a calling at church! I am going to be on the activities comitty! I am so excited people! Really I am. But anyways I have to get going! But leave comments thought, whatever jst say hi people! I love it when you do..

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