
Picture time!!

So this is right around halloween and the wanted to be vanpires. I wish I had the pics of them dressed up but i dont...
This is Christmas time. We had just gotten a Kareoke machine and Quinton was singing and Dallas was playing with this transformer gun we got him.

Yummy! A spoon lol

He looks so cute!

This was about 2 years ago and I can't remember the little girl's name, but it was a in the moment shot! and I love it

So today is Sunday and I love that it is raining! It gives a freash new look t everything! Anyways Have a good day you guys! Love ya! Comments!!

1 comment:

Mallissa said...

Those are such handsome boys! Cute pics... By the way, on the third pic. he has a fork in his hand, not a spoon, just so you know. ha ha.