
People come into your life for a reason!

Well... I am going to do a quick update, I am unable to sleep tonight and honestly I don't think i will sleep very well as it is. My Grandma passed away last Thursday morning. I am so grateful that I got to say goodbye to her. I think it made it easier. I will always love her and be thankful for her influence on my life. It has got me thinking though. I dont think that I have told enough people just how much they have truely inspired me to be who I am. I have so many people that have come and gone from my life that if it wasnt for thier influience I would be a completely different person. So thank you to all of you! You have in one way or another done something to make me respect you and want to be a better person than I was yesterday!

Just a short list..... not everyone but the few who are sticking out to me right now....

Mallissa.... Had it not been for you consistant influence I would have really gone off the deep end. You helped me to keep church a part of my life even when it was a very small part. Plus I know whenever I need a friend all i have to do is call you!

Sis. Stanley, Sis. Seegrist, and Sis. Hill... I could never call you by your first name it sounds so weird to me haha. I love you ladies! You are the 3 people that always have and always will hold a special place in my heart! You have no idea the inpact you had on my life just by serving in your callings as my Young Women leaders!

Amber... What can I say other than "liken to the scriptures." You are so strong and i dont think you know the how strong you really are some days! You have got me threw some really rough times while I was making adjustments to my life and I will love you forever for it!

Darcee... For not giving up on me when so many others had! I would be in a completely different place right now had you not befriended me, even though i was stubborn and lost.

David... for all the good talks and being able to look past the outter appearence! I dont think you know what it means to me to have a good guy friend.. it isn't something i had before you....

My parents you have shaped me into the adult that I am. I am not perfect, but I long to be better than ever because of your examples!

My brothers and sisters for all the good time, all the rough times, and all the memories that we get to keep for eternity!

Well I told you that was just a small list. I can think of so many more people, but I am afraid if I were to keep going I would annoy someone haha. I hope that you all know that I love you! That I am a better person for having known you. I plan on living as long as I can in hopes of passing on just a small fraction of the love and kindness you have shown me! I love you!

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